Lutheran imposition of ashes
Lutheran imposition of ashes

Thank you, Lord, that Easter is coming! Death has no sting, no victory, because of Jesus! Glory and honor and praise to His name! Thank you for rescuing us. Help us, by your Spirit, to have the strength to overcome the enemy. Help us, by your Holy Spirit, to feel right conviction and repentance for our sin. Lord, as we enter into this Lenten season, be near to us. We have fallen short of your glory and without your mercy and grace, we would be dust. Want a devotional for each day of Lent, with Scriptures that will bring joy to your heart? Get your free 40 Day Lent Devotional Guide to lead you in prayer and scripture reading through the Lenten Season! Download your copy HERE.

lutheran imposition of ashes

It concludes and is followed by a joyous Easter Sunday celebration of the resurrection of Christ.

lutheran imposition of ashes

Lent is traditionally a 40-day fast - a reference to the time Jesus spent being tempted in the desert - that seeks to prepare the heart of the believer for the solemn remembrance of Jesus’ death. Ash Wednesday is always 46 days before Easter Sunday and marks the beginning of the Lenten season. The Catholic church usually uses the ashes of Palm Sunday branches from the previous year’s Palm Sunday service. Prayer plays an important part on Ash Wednesday as a time for reflection, repentance, and preparation for Lent. Ash Wednesday is a penitent service that uses ashes to mark the sign of the cross on the believer’s forehead, symbolizing our sinful nature and need for salvation.

Lutheran imposition of ashes